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Week 4 Reflection

This week’s topic was Citizenship Online – Privacy, Safety, Bullying, Consent + Creative Commons Video.

I enjoyed learning about privacy and safety. This week we had a guest speaker, Jesse Miller, an expert on social media awareness and education. You can see his ted talk here:

The talk was informative and got me thinking that I must be conscious about what I published online from my personal and professional life. It also reminds me to be careful about the use of my phone around children. I must always protect their privacy and, of course, have parents’ consent before posting anything, even if the content is just planned to be used within the school community.

As teachers, we are role models; therefore, it the importance to model good technological practices to students and to talk and inform parents and students about online safety.

As technology is present more than ever, it becomes hard not to have an online presence. Being safe online does not mean never posting again, it means being mindful of the content you are willing to share online and asking yourself: could this post affect someone else or myself? is this an appropriate post for my intended audience?

As part of our class, we googled our names. I could not find anything about me which I guess is good… but I liked how our teacher reminded us to periodically check for what comes when we google our names because parents, students, and recruiters can look up our names any time.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

We also made a slow-motion video that includes transitions here is mine:

Music : Tvrdý / Havelka by Žiletky
Found at https://freemusicarchive.org/curator/Creative_Commons/
Videos by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Our class was informative and got me thinking about the big responsibility of being a teacher.



  1. lucyd

    Hi Reyna,

    Jesse’s lecture also got me really thinking about my online presence. I thought I had a fairly safe online presence, but now I want to look over and make sure I have the proper privacy settings on all my social media accounts! I also liked how positive and informative Jesse’s talk was because all my lectures on technology and internet safety in the past have been very negative and fearful. It was refreshing to hear a different (more positive) perspective. Nice work on the video the audio matched the video very well.
    Great work this week!


  2. kstockli

    Hi Reyna

    Your slow-motion video is so aesthetically pleasing, I highly enjoyed it.

    It’s difficult when you think of social media as a teacher. On one hand you want to be very careful so you do not post anything inappropriate or that affects someone’s personal privacy. However, on the other hand social media can be a useful tool to show who you are as a teacher and what you are passionate about. I see lots of amazing teacher Instagram or Youtube accounts but I also see teachers who have gotten in trouble with social media, such as TikTok. It seems like teachers need to find the balance of showcasing who they are while still being professional.


  3. emma

    Hello Reyna,

    I have to second Kasey; your video is lovely. It’s thumbnail is also matched in colour tones by the picture immediately above it; an excellent juxtaposition.

    I like your ideas about considering each post one makes: “could this post affect affect someone else or myself?” I do wonder if that would be enough, though: too many people are more interested in projecting their prejudice onto what they see rather than seeking understanding.

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